HI-YA! Spin kicking, board breaking, tracksuit wearing, kung fu is HERE! Walk the earth, save the hood, wax on / wax off! - AEG
Well, everyone was... Kung Fu Fighters have incredible martial
skillskills thatdefiesdefy reality. Well, the defying reality bit was in large part due to wires... but still, they know how to dish out a beating. Kung Fu Fighters know that power flows like water, and can make it flow from minion to minion as they wish.
- - That ’70s Expansion rulebook (updated in The Bigger Geekier Box rulebook)
The Kung Fu Fighters are one of the 4 factions from the That ’70s Expansion set.
Kung Fu Fighters work together to strengthen themselves with +1 power counters, even draining them from other players' minions, and destroy weaker minions.
Other factions from the same set: Disco Dancers, Truckers, Vigilantes.
The Kung Fu Fighters have the usual 10 minions and 10 actions. The total minion base power (not counting any abilities) is the usual 30 or an average of 3 per minion. There are several abilities that can boost the power of minions beyond their base value.
Among their actions, there are:
- 0 play-on-minion actions,
- 3 play-on-base actions: Ancient Chinese Art (2x), Oh-hoh-hoh-hoah,
- 7 standard actions (6 that affect one or more minions, in bold): A Little Bit Frightening, Everybody Knew Their Part, Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting, Expert Timing, Fast As Lightning (2x), Let’s Get It On,
- 4 actions that directly increase a minion's power: A Little Bit Frightening, Expert Timing, Fast As Lightning (2x).
1x Dragon Warrior - power 5 - Ongoing: This minion cannot be destroyed. Talent: Transfer any number of +1 power counters from one minion to another. FAQ
2x Lady Whirlwind - power 4 - Talent: If this minion has no +1 power counters on it, destroy a minion here with less power to place a +1 power counter on this minion. FAQ
3x Drunken Master - power 3 - Talent: If this minion has no +1 power counters on it, place a +1 power counter on it. FAQ
4x Cricket - power 2 - You may transfer a +1 power counter from one minion to another. FAQ
1x A Little Bit Frightening - Choose one of your minions. Destroy a minion at its base with less power to place two +1 power counters total on your minions there. FAQ
2x Ancient Chinese Art - Play on a base. Talent: Place a +1 power counter on a minion here, OR transfer any number of +1 power counters from one minion here to another minion here. FAQ
1x Everybody Knew Their Part - Choose one of your minions. Play an extra minion with less power on the same base. FAQ
1x Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting - Choose a base. Each player with a minion there destroys another player’s minion there. FAQ
1x Expert Timing - Choose one of your cards. Transfer any number of +1 power counters from it to another card, and/or use a Talent on it an extra time. Special: You may play this before a base scores. FAQ
2x Fast as Lightning - Choose a minion. Until the end of the turn, it gains +2 power, and if it would go to the discard pile it is returned to its owner’s hand instead. FAQ
1x Let’s Get It On - Choose one of your minions. Destroy one or more minions at the same base with total power less than or equal to that minion. FAQ
1x Oh-hoh-hoh-hoah - Play on a base. Ongoing: After another player plays a minion here, place a +1 power counter on one of your minions. FAQ

- (available in the 10th Anniversary set)
1x Sifu - Special: On your turn, if you have two or more +1 power counters on your minions, you may play this titan and transfer two or more +1 power counters from your minions to it. Ongoing: When you transfer one or more +1 power counters to a minion, you may place an additional +1 power counters on that minion. Talent: Transfer a +1 power counter from one of your minions to another minion OR place a +1 power counter on a minion that doesn't have one. FAQ

Here are the official clarifications as they appear in the That ’70s Expansion rulebook:
Everybody Was Kung Fu Fighting: Players destroy in clockwise order starting with the current player. They may still destroy a minion even if all their own minions there are destroyed before it comes to them.
Examples of play[]
At Base Y, Anne has a Diva and a Roller, Bob has Foxy Green, Carol has Dragon Warrior.
- If Carol plays a Cricket at a different base and transfers a power counter from Foxy Green to itself:
- Since the Cricket affected one or more minions there, Bob places a power counter on Foxy Green.
- If Anne plays Last Dance:
- Anne can destroy the Roller and have the Diva copy it, earning 2 VPs.
- Bob can destroy Foxy Green and earn 1 VP.
- Carol cannot destroy Dragon Warrior and cannot earn any VPs.
At Funky Town, Anne has Dancing King and a Diva with We are Family on it, and Dave has Jacky Bill.
- If Anne plays Fast as Lightning and targets Dancing King, giving it +2 power:
- This effect can be copied by the Diva and by We Are Family and by Funky Town and by Dancing King, so the Diva can gain +8 power.
- Or, any one of those cards could copy the effect of going to the hand instead, leaving the Diva with +6 power — but the choice must be made when Fast as Lightning is played.
Kung Fu Fighters focus on generating +1 power counters. Since their main counter-generator cards (Drunken Master and Lady Whirlwind) can't generate more if they already have counters on them, they rely on their other cards to transfer the counters away to start generating them again. If it's not enough, they are able to transfer the +1 power counters from any minion card, including other players' minions, so they are great at weakening factions that can generate lots of +1 power counters.
Additionally, they have several abilities that allow them to destroy several minions, especially those that are weaker than yours, thus increasing the interest of strengthening your minions while weakening your opponents'.
External Strategy Guides[]
- Ep 2 - Kung Fu Fighters & More
- Smash Up Action Awareness #36: Expert Timing
- Smash Up KOTH #52: Dragon Warrior
Questions on Dragon Warrior[]
Q: Isn't there a typo? I think it's supposed to transfer +1 power counters from one of my minions to another one of my minions. Otherwise, it seems unfair to steal power counters from other players.
A: It's not a typo. Dragon Warrior does allow you to steal +1 power counters from other players if you want to.
Rule: "A minion" (or here "one minion") means "any minion in play".
Q: I suppose I can only transfer the +1 power counter between two minions on Dragon Warrior's base, right?
A: No, you can transfer it from a minion on any base to another minion on any base. The minions don't even have to be on the same base.
Rule: "A minion" (or here "one minion") means "any minion in play".
Q: Can I transfer the +1 power counter from or to an action? For example, Summon Wolves.
A: No, you can only transfer it between two minions.
Rule: Specific words are not synonymous no matter how similar they seem.
Q: Can I transfer the +1 power counter from or to a titan? For example, Gorgodzolla.
A: No, you can only transfer it between two minions.
Rule: Specific words are not synonymous no matter how similar they seem.
Q: Can you transfer a +1 power counter to a minion in stasis?
A: No, cards in stasis cannot be affected by cards that do not explicitly state they work on cards in stasis.
Q: If Dragon Warrior's ability is cancelled, are the +1 power counters transferred by its ability removed?
A: No. When you transfer a +1 power counter, it's a definitive effect (like drawing cards, if you play Enchantress, you're not going to discard the card you drew if Enchantress's ability is cancelled), so the +1 power counters remain even if the card that transferred them has its ability cancelled. Besides, how are you going to keep track of which +1 power counters were transferred by Dragon Warrior's ability and which ones were not (e.g. transferred by Cricket or Expert Timing, or placed by Ancient Chinese Art or A Little Bit Frightening)? That would be very cumbersome.
Rule: Cancelling (or losing) an effect does not necessarily undo what it did.
Q: If Dragon Warrior is removed from play (e.g. destroyed, returned, etc.), are the +1 power counters transferred by its ability removed?
A: No. When you transfer a +1 power counter, it's a definitive effect, so the +1 power counters remain even if the card that transferred them is removed from play (like drawing cards, if you play Enchantress, you're not going to discard the card you drew if Enchantress is destroyed). On the other hand, if a card is removed while it had +1 power counters, only the +1 power counters on it are removed, but that's because a card that leaves play loses all its attachments. Besides, how are you going to keep track of which +1 power counters were transferred by Dragon Warrior's ability and which ones were not (e.g. transferred by Cricket or Expert Timing, or placed by Ancient Chinese Art or A Little Bit Frightening)? That would be very cumbersome.
Rule: Removing a card from play does not necessarily undo what it did.
Questions on Lady Whirlwind[]
Q: Since it gets a +1 power counter, can I count the +1 power counter to determine the power limit below which I can destroy a minion?
A: No, when you resolve an ability, you have to resolve it in order. So, while it has no +1 power counter yet, you first destroy a minion on its base with power less than its current power. Next, you place a +1 power counter on Lady Whirlwind. Lady Whirlwind's power does indeed change, but there's no reason to backtrack and redo or override the previous effect. That previous effect was already resolved!
Rule: Multiple parts of a card’s ability must be done in their stated order.
Q: If Lady Whirlwind's ability is cancelled, is the +1 power counter placed on it by its own ability removed? Same thing for +1 power counters placed by its ability and transferred by other abilities.
A: No. When you place a +1 power counter, it's a definitive effect, so the +1 power counters remain even if the card that placed them has its ability cancelled (like drawing cards, if you play Enchantress, you're not going to discard the card you drew if Enchantress's ability is cancelled). Besides, how are you going to keep track of which +1 power counters were added by Lady Whirlwind's ability and which ones were not (e.g. transferred by Cricket or Expert Timing, or placed by Ancient Chinese Art or A Little Bit Frightening)? That would be very cumbersome.
Rule: Cancelling (or losing) an effect does not necessarily undo what it did.
Questions on Drunken Master[]
Q: If Drunken Master's ability is cancelled, is the +1 power counter placed on it by its own ability removed? Same thing for +1 power counters placed by its ability and transferred by other abilities.
A: No. When you place a +1 power counter, it's a definitive effect, so the +1 power counters remain even if the card that placed them has its ability cancelled (like drawing cards, if you play Enchantress, you're not going to discard the card you drew if Enchantress's ability is cancelled). Besides, how are you going to keep track of which +1 power counters were added by Drunken Master's ability and which ones were not (e.g. transferred by Cricket or Expert Timing, or placed by Ancient Chinese Art or A Little Bit Frightening)? That would be very cumbersome.
Rule: Cancelling (or losing) an effect does not necessarily undo what it did.
Questions on Cricket[]
Q: Isn't there a typo? I think it's supposed to transfer the +1 power counter from one of my minions to another one of my minions. Otherwise, it seems unfair to steal power counters from other players.
A: It's not a typo. Cricket does allow you to steal a +1 power counter from other players if you want to.
Rule: "A minion" (or here "one minion") means "any minion in play".
Q: I suppose I can only transfer the +1 power counter between two minions on Cricket's base, right?
A: No, you can transfer it from a minion on any base to another minion on any base. The minions don't even have to be on the same base.
Rule: "A minion" (or here "one minion") means "any minion in play".
Q: Can I transfer the +1 power counter from or to an action? For example, Summon Wolves.
A: No, you can only transfer it between two minions.
Rule: Specific words are not synonymous no matter how similar they seem.
Q: Can I transfer the +1 power counter from or to a titan? For example, Gorgodzolla.
A: No, you can only transfer it between two minions.
Rule: Specific words are not synonymous no matter how similar they seem.
Q: Can you transfer a +1 power counter to a minion in stasis?
A: No, cards in stasis cannot be affected by cards that do not explicitly state they work on cards in stasis.
Q: If Cricket is removed from play (e.g. destroyed, returned, etc.), is the +1 power counter transferred by its ability removed?
A: No. When you transfer a +1 power counter, it's a definitive effect, so the +1 power counters remain even if the card that transferred them has its ability cancelled (like drawing cards, if you play Enchantress, you're not going to discard the card you drew if Enchantress is destroyed). Besides, how are you going to keep track of which +1 power counters were transferred by that one Cricket's ability and which ones were not (e.g. transferred by another Cricket or Expert Timing, or placed by Ancient Chinese Art or A Little Bit Frightening)? That would be very cumbersome.
Rule: Removing a card from play does not necessarily undo what it did.
Questions on A Little Bit Frightening[]
Q: It tells me to choose "one of my minions". Can I choose a minion I own that I don't control? I don't control it but I "own" it, so it's "my" minion, right?
A: No. "Your minions" are minions you control, whether or not you own them. A minion you own but don't control isn't yours.
Q: It tells me to place +1 power counters on "my minions" there. Can I place them on minions there that I own but don't control? I don't control them but I "own" them, so they are "my" minions, right?
A: No. "Your minions" are minions you control, whether or not you own them. A minion you own but don't control isn't yours.
Q: What does it mean to place two +1 power counters "total" on my minions? Can I place two +1 power counters on any number of my minions? Two +1 power counters on up to two of my minions?
A: It means you take a total of two +1 power counters and place them however you want on your minions. In practice, you will only be able to place either both counters on a single minion, or one of each on two of your minions.
Q: Can I choose a minion in stasis?
A: No, cards in stasis cannot be chosen by cards that do not explicitly state cards in stasis can be chosen.
Q: If I decide to place one or both +1 power counters on the chosen minion, can I count the +1 power counters to determine the power limit below which I can destroy a minion?
A: No, when you resolve an ability, you have to resolve it in order. So you first destroy a minion on its base with power less than its current power. Next, you place the +1 power counters. If the minion's power does indeed change, there's no reason to backtrack and redo or override the previous effect. That previous effect was already resolved!
Rule: Multiple parts of a card’s ability must be done in their stated order.
Q: How does this interact with the Disco Dancers' mechanic and Funky Town's ability?
A: First of all, A Little Bit Frightening affects minions twice, first by destroying one and then by placing +1 power counters to one to two of the remaining minions on that base. When you use any of the effect-copying cards, each one may only copy one of the two effects, either the destruction or the power counters, not both. Of course, if you have several effect-copying cards that are triggered, you may have each one copy a different effect. Note that merely choosing a minion doesn't count as affecting it so you can't copy that part.
If you choose to copy the destruction:
- If Diva copies it, Diva is considered as indirectly affected by the action and is destroyed, regardless of Diva's power. Note that you don't place additional +1 power counters for destroying the Diva.
- If Dancing King copies it onto a minion (it can be itself), that minion is considered as indirectly affected by the action and is destroyed, regardless of the minion's power. Note that you don't place additional +1 power counters for destroying that additional minion.
- If We are Family copies it, the minion it is on is considered as indirectly affected by the action and is destroyed, regardless of the minion's power. Note that you don't place additional +1 power counters for destroying that additional minion.
- With Funky Town, you can only copy it if you're the one who played the action and if it destroys one of your minions, but if Funky Town does copy it, the minion is considered as indirectly affected by the action and is destroyed, regardless of the minion's power. Note that you don't place additional +1 power counters for destroying that additional minion.
If you choose to copy the +1 power counters:
- If Diva copies it, Diva is considered as indirectly affected by the action and gets the same amount of +1 power counters placed on a minion on its base that was directly affected by A Little Bit Frightening from the pool, even if you've already placed two +1 power counters. Note that you won't destroy an additional minion for affecting an additional minion; that part was already resolved before the part that was copied and is what led you to place +1 power counters on a minion in the first place. Also, note that if there are several minions on the same base that are directly affected, Diva can only copy the boost received by one of them (of your choice), not each one.
- If Dancing King copies it onto a minion (it can be itself), that minion is considered as indirectly affected by the action and gets the same amount of +1 power counters placed on a minion on its base that was directly affected by A Little Bit Frightening from the pool, even if you've already placed two +1 power counters. Note that you won't destroy an additional minion for affecting a second minion; that part was already resolved before the part that was copied and is what led you to place +1 power counters on a minion in the first place. Also, note that if there are several minions on the same base that are directly affected, Dancing King can only copy the boost received by one of them (of your choice), not each one.
- If We are Family copies it, the minion it is on is considered as indirectly affected by the action and gets the same amount of +1 power counters placed on a minion on its base that was directly affected by A Little Bit Frightening from the pool, even if you've already placed two +1 power counters. Note that you won't destroy an additional minion for affecting a second minion; that part was already resolved before the part that was copied and is what led you to place +1 power counters on a minion in the first place. Also, note that if there are several minions on the same base that are directly affected, We are Family can only copy the boost received by one of them (of your choice), not each one.
- With Funky Town, you can only copy it if you're the one who played the action and if it affects one of your minions, but if Funky Town does copy it, the minion is considered as indirectly affected by the action and gets the same amount of +1 power counters placed on a minion on its base that was directly affected by A Little Bit Frightening from the pool, even if you've already placed two +1 power counters. Note that you won't destroy an additional minion for affecting a second minion; that part was already resolved before the part that was copied and is what led you to place +1 power counters on a minion in the first place. Also, note that if there are several minions on the same base that are directly affected, Funky Town can only copy the boost received by one of them (of your choice), not each one.
Questions on Ancient Chinese Art[]
Q: An opponent plays this card on a base, so now I can use this talent when it's my turn, right?
A: No. Your opponent played the action, so they control it, and therefore the talent can only be used by them.
Rule: A play-on-base action doesn't give an ability to the base that any player can use.
Rule: A card's talent can only be used by that card's controller.
Q: Isn't there a typo? I think it's supposed to transfer +1 power counters from one of my minions to another one of my minions. Otherwise, it seems unfair to steal power counters from other players.
A: It's not a typo. Ancient Chinese Art does allow you to steal +1 power counters from other players if you want to.
Rule: "A minion" (or here "one minion") means "any minion in play".
Q: Can I transfer the +1 power counter from or to an action? For example, Summon Wolves.
A: No, you can only transfer it between two minions.
Rule: Specific words are not synonymous no matter how similar they seem.
Q: Can I transfer the +1 power counter from or to a titan? For example, Gorgodzolla.
A: No, you can only transfer it between two minions.
Rule: Specific words are not synonymous no matter how similar they seem.
Q: If Ancient Chinese Art's ability is cancelled, are the +1 power counters placed or transferred by its ability removed?
A: No. When you place or transfer a +1 power counter, it's a definitive effect (like drawing cards, if you play Enchantress, you're not going to discard the card you drew if Enchantress's ability is cancelled), so the +1 power counters remain even if the card that placed or transferred them has its ability cancelled. Besides, how are you going to keep track of which +1 power counters were placed or transferred by Ancient Chinese Art's ability and which ones were not (e.g. transferred by Cricket or Expert Timing, or placed by the other Ancient Chinese Art or A Little Bit Frightening)? That would be very cumbersome.
Rule: Cancelling (or losing) an effect does not necessarily undo what it did.
Q: If Ancient Chinese Art is removed from play (e.g. destroyed, returned, etc.), are the +1 power counters placed or transferred by its ability removed?
A: No. When you place or transfer a +1 power counter, it's a definitive effect, so the +1 power counters remain even if the card that placed or transferred them is removed from play (like drawing cards, if you play Enchantress, you're not going to discard the card you drew if Enchantress is destroyed). Besides, how are you going to keep track of which +1 power counters were transferred by Ancient Chinese Art's ability and which ones were not (e.g. transferred by Cricket or Expert Timing, or placed by the other Ancient Chinese Art or A Little Bit Frightening)? That would be very cumbersome.
Rule: Removing a card from play does not necessarily undo what it did.
Q: How does this interact with the Disco Dancers' mechanic and Funky Town's ability?
A: It doesn't interact with them at all, because it says "Play on a base", which means that it is not a standard action.
Rule: Definition of "standard".
Questions on Everybody Knew Their Part[]
Q: It tells me to choose "one of my minions". Can I choose a minion I own that I don't control? I don't control it but I "own" it, so it's "my" minion, right?
A: No. "Your minions" are minions you control, whether or not you own them. A minion you own but don't control isn't yours.
Q: Can I choose a minion in stasis?
A: No, cards in stasis cannot be chosen by cards that do not explicitly state cards in stasis can be chosen.
Q: How does this interact with the Disco Dancers' mechanic and Funky Town's ability?
A: It doesn't interact with them at all, because it doesn't affect any minions in play and so its effect can't be copied. Note that merely choosing a minion doesn't count as affecting it and so can't be copied.
Rule: Definition of "affect".
Questions on Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting[]
Q: In which order are the minions destroyed? I suppose it's the current player who chooses.
A: Nope, there's already a defined order so the current player doesn't decide the order. The order is: each player in clockwise order and starting with the current player destroys another player's minion there. That's even clarified in the rules.
Q: I have a minion on the chosen base. When it's my turn to destroy a minion, I no longer control any minions there because they were all destroyed by other players, so I suppose I can no longer use Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting's ability, right?
A: Nope. When Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting is played, you evaluate which players get to use its ability and then its ability is resolved. Since you had a minion there when Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting was played, you will be able to use its ability even if all your minions on the base are destroyed before it's your turn. That's even clarified in the rules.
Q: How does this interact with the Disco Dancers' mechanic and Funky Town's ability?
A: - If Diva copies it, Diva is considered as indirectly affected by the action and is destroyed.
- If Dancing King copies it onto a minion (it can be itself), that minion is considered as indirectly affected by the action and is destroyed. Note that while the action is restricted to other players' minions, the destruction can be copied onto another minion regardless of whoever controls it. Also, note that if several of the destroyed minions were on the same base, Dancing King only triggers once and allows you to destroy only one additional minion, not one per affected minion.
- If We are Family copies it, the minion it is on is considered as indirectly affected by the action and is destroyed. Note that while the action is restricted to other players' minions, the destruction can be copied onto another minion regardless of whoever controls it.
- With Funky Town, you can only copy it if you're the one who played the action and if it destroys one of your minions, but if Funky Town does copy it, the minion is considered as indirectly affected by the action and is destroyed.
Questions on Expert Timing[]
Q: Does changing a minion's power before a base scores change anything at all? Don't we only get VPs based on the power we had at the start of scoring?
A: Actually, the amount of VPs each player gets is determined by the power each player currently has when you are handing out VPs, so any before-scoring abilities (including this one) that affect how much power you have on the base will affect the amount of VPs you'll eventually get.
Rule: VPs are awarded according to the current power totals.
Q: Before a base scores, I play this card and transfer +1 power counters away from one of my minions on that base, reducing the total power below the breakpoint. This ends the scoring, right?
A: You're mistaken here. Once a base has been chosen to score, you keep scoring it even if the total power on it drops below its breakpoint because of before-scoring abilities. (Only a couple of things can really prevent a base from scoring, but this isn't one of them.)
Q: When played as a Special, do I have to transfer the +1 power counters from or to a card on the scoring base?
A: No. You can transfer the +1 power counters from and/or to any card on any base.
Q: It tells me to choose "one of my cards". Can I choose a card I own that I don't control? I don't control it but I "own" it, so it's "my" card, right?
A: No. "Your cards" are cards you control, whether or not you own them. A card you own but don't control isn't yours.
Q: If I choose one of my minions, I suppose I can only transfer the +1 power counters from it to another one of my minions, right?
A: No, you can transfer them to any other card. So you can transfer them to another minion, to an action, to a base, or even to a titan or a buried card! You don't even have to transfer them to a card you control; it can be a card controlled by another player or an uncontrolled monster!
Q: Can I use Expert Timing to transfer +1 power counters from my titan to one of my minions/Summon Wolves/a buried card? from Summon Wolves to one of my minions/my titan/a buried card? from one of my minions to my titan/Summon Wolves/a buried card?
A: Yes to all! Also don't forget that you can also transfer the +1 power counters to one of your opponents' cards, though the source card does need to be one of your cards.
Q: Can you transfer a +1 power counter to a minion in stasis?
A: No, cards in stasis cannot be affected by cards that do not explicitly state they work on cards in stasis.
Q: Can I choose a card in stasis?
A: No, cards in stasis cannot be chosen by cards that do not explicitly state cards in stasis can be chosen.
Q: Can I play it from stasis before a base scores?
A: No, while in stasis, the only abilities that can do anything are the ones that explicitly state that they do something there.
Rule: Abilities of cards in stasis do not work unless they refer to stasis.
Q: So I can use Expert Timing to transfer +1 power counters to an action, a base or a buried card, right? What happens then? Do actions now give power? Do Kaiju actions give more power? Do the counters increase the breakpoint of a base? Does a buried card now give power? And what happens to the counters when the buried card is uncovered?
A: Nothing. If no ability tells you take the +1 power counters into account, then the +1 power counters do nothing. For example, Summon Wolves's ability tells you to add the +1 power counters to your total power, so those +1 power counters do something. On the other hand, other actions (including Kaiju action) don't say anything regarding +1 power counters on them so their +1 power counters do nothing! Similarly if a base says nothing about the +1 power counters on it, then its +1 power counters do nothing. The rules even clarify that +1 power counters on actions and bases don't do anything.
Rule: If the card with +1 power counters is a base, the +1 power counters do nothing.
Rule: If the card with +1 power counters is a buried card, the +1 power counters do nothing.
Rule: When a card is uncovered or re-buried, any counters or cards on it are discarded first.
Q: If I use Expert Timing to transfer +1 power counters to Storyteller’s Hut, does it further decrease its breakpoint by 2 for each of the +1 power counters?
A: No, Storyteller’s Hut's breakpoint is only decreased by 2 for each counter placed on it by its own ability. +1 power counters do nothing to it. You are also highly encouraged to use a different component for the Storyteller’s Hut counters, so you don't confuse them for +1 power counters and vice versa.
Q: What does it mean to use a Talent an extra time?
A: It means that you get to use the card's talent in excess of the normal number of times you can use it. Normally, talents can be used once on your Play Cards phase. If you've already used it, Expert Timing allows you to use it again. If Expert Timing is played before a base scores on any turn, you are also able to use one of your cards' talent.
Q: I haven't used one of my cards' talent yet. I play Expert Timing and use its talent that way. Can I then use my card's talent again as part of the normal way to use it?
A: Yes, Expert Timing allows you to use it as an extra use of the talent, so if you haven't used the talent "normally" yet, you can still use it then.
Q: I have a minion with a talent on Standing Stones. I use its talent normally, then use Expert Timing to use its talent a second time, can I then use Standing Stones to use its talent a third time?
A: No, Standing Stones state that your minion can "use its talent twice", not "use its talent an extra time". In your situation and based on Standing Stones's wording, when you want to invoke Standing Stones's ability, your minion has already used its talent twice so Standing Stones ability doesn't apply anymore. To get full effect of Standing Stones and Expert Timing, you should first use your minion's talent twice, once normally and once through Standing Stones, and then use Expert Timing to use it a third time. This would work because Expert Timing allows you to use the talent "an extra time". Granted, this is purely based on Standing Stones's wording saying "twice", but that single word literally means that Standing Stones can only be used for the second use of the minion's talent, not any extra use.
Q: If the minion is Drunken Master or Lady Whirlwind and if the minion has no +1 power counters on it, can I use Expert Timing to first use their talent and then transfer the +1 power counter elsewhere?
A: No, when you resolve an ability, you have to resolve it in order. In the case of Expert Timing, if you decide to do both the transfer and the use of the talent, you must do them in their written order and not the other way around.
Rule: Multiple parts of a card’s ability must be done in their stated order.
Q: Is this still a standard action if I play it through its Special ability for the Disco Dancers and Funky Town?
A: Yes. A standard action is an action that doesn't remain in play after being played. Expert Timing doesn't remain in play when played, whether it's played normally or as a Special, so it IS a standard action no matter what.
Rule: Definition of "standard".
Q: How does this interact with the Disco Dancers' mechanic and Funky Town's ability?
A: First of all, the only part that can be copied is the transfer of +1 power counters. The other part, using a talent, doesn't count as affecting the minion. Also, note that merely choosing a minion doesn't count as affecting it and so it can't be copied. So, regarding the transfer of counters:
- If Diva copies it, Diva is considered as indirectly affected by the action and has the same amount of +1 power counters either transferred to it from the same source minion (if there aren't enough counters, transfer all that remains and that's it -- don't compensate by placing counters from the pool or transferring them from other minions), or transferred from it to the same recipient minion.
- If Dancing King copies it onto a minion (it can be itself), that minion is considered as indirectly affected by the action and has the same amount of +1 power counters either transferred to it from the same source minion (if there aren't enough counters, transfer all that remains and that's it -- don't compensate by placing counters from the pool or transferring them from other minions), or transferred from it to the same recipient minion.
- If We are Family copies it, the minion it is on is considered as indirectly affected by the action and has the same amount of +1 power counters either transferred to it from the same source minion (if there aren't enough counters, transfer all that remains and that's it -- don't compensate by placing counters from the pool or transferring them from other minions), or transferred from it to the same recipient minion.
- With Funky Town, you can only copy it if you're the one who played the action and if it affects one of your minions, but if Funky Town does copy it, the minion is considered as indirectly affected by the action and has the same amount of +1 power counters either transferred to it from the same source minion (if there aren't enough counters, transfer all that remains and that's it -- don't compensate by placing counters from the pool or transferring them from other minions), or transferred from it to the same recipient minion.
Questions on Fast as Lightning[]
Q: I already have ten cards in hand. A minion I own is affected by Fast as Lightning and on that same turn, it is to be discarded (e.g. destroyed or its base is scored), so it's returned to my hand. Do I immediately discard down to 10?
A: You don't discard any card until your upcoming Draw 2 Cards phase. At that point, you will indeed need to draw two cards and discard down to 10 if you have more than 10. That's the only moment where you must discard down to 10. At any other time, you keep your hand of cards. In fact, if this happens on another player's turn or during your End Turn phase, you keep your cards and can play your next turn with more than ten cards.
Q: Can I choose a minion in stasis?
A: No, cards in stasis cannot be chosen by cards that do not explicitly state cards in stasis can be chosen.
Q: How does this interact with the Disco Dancers' mechanic and Funky Town's ability?
A: First of all, Fast as Lightning affects a minion twice, first by giving it +2 power and then by having it return to its owner's hand if it is discarded by the end of the turn. When you use any of the effect-copying cards, each one may only copy one of the two effects, either the power boost or the return to hand, not both. Of course, if you have several effect-copying cards that are triggered, you may have each one copy a different effect.
If you choose to copy the power boost:
- If Diva copies it, Diva is considered as indirectly affected by the action and gets +2 power. Note that if Diva copies the power boost, it won't copy the return to hand ability, so that part is resolved as written, in that case "if it would go to the discard pile it is returned to its owner’s hand instead" should be understood as "if the minion that was directly affected would go to the discard pile it is returned to its owner’s hand instead."
- If Dancing King copies it onto a minion (it can be itself), that minion is considered as indirectly affected by the action and gets +2 power. Note that if Dancing King copies the power boost, it won't copy the return to hand ability, so that part is resolved as written, in that case "if it would go to the discard pile it is returned to its owner’s hand instead" should be understood as "if the minion that was directly affected would go to the discard pile it is returned to its owner’s hand instead."
- If We are Family copies it, the minion it is on is considered as indirectly affected by the action and gets +2 power. Note that if We are Family copies the power boost, it won't copy the return to hand ability, so that part is resolved as written, in that case "if it would go to the discard pile it is returned to its owner’s hand instead" should be understood as "if the minion that was directly affected would go to the discard pile it is returned to its owner’s hand instead."
- With Funky Town, you can only copy it if you're the one who played the action and if it affects one of your minions, but if Funky Town does copy it, the minion is considered as indirectly affected by the action and gets +2 power. Note that if Funky Town copies the power boost, it won't copy the return to hand ability, so that part is resolved as written, in that case "if it would go to the discard pile it is returned to its owner’s hand instead" should be understood as "if the minion that was directly affected would go to the discard pile it is returned to its owner’s hand instead."
If you choose to copy the return to hand ability:
- If Diva copies it, Diva is considered as indirectly affected by the action and, if it is to be discarded by the end of the turn, it is returned to its owner's hand, regardless of whoever owns the minion that was directly affected by the action.
- If Dancing King copies it onto a minion (it can be itself), that minion is considered as indirectly affected by the action and, if it is to be discarded by the end of the turn, it is returned to its owner's hand, regardless of whoever owns the minion that was directly affected by the action. Note that if the minion is a monster or a treasure, it remains in play because monsters and treasures can't be affected by cards that refer to a card's owner.
- If We are Family copies it, the minion it is on is considered as indirectly affected by the action and, if it is to be discarded by the end of the turn, it is returned to its owner's hand, regardless of whoever owns the minion that was directly affected by the action. Note that if the minion is a monster or a treasure, it remains in play because monsters and treasures can't be affected by cards that refer to a card's owner.
- With Funky Town, you can only copy it if you're the one who played the action, but if Funky Town does copy it, the minion is considered as indirectly affected by the action and, if it is to be discarded by the end of the turn, it is returned to its owner's hand, regardless of whoever owns the minion that was directly affected by the action. Note that if the minion is a monster or a treasure, it remains in play because monsters and treasures can't be affected by cards that refer to a card's owner.
Rule: Cards that refer to a card’s owner do not apply to monsters or treasures.
Questions on Let’s Get It On[]
Q: What does "total power" mean?
A: You can choose any number of minions on that base. The "total power" is the sum of all the chosen minions' powers. That sum must not exceed your minion's power.
Q: It tells me to choose "one of my minions". Can I choose a minion I own that I don't control? I don't control it but I "own" it, so it's "my" minion, right?
A: No. "Your minions" are minions you control, whether or not you own them. A minion you own but don't control isn't yours.
Q: Can I destroy the chosen minion itself?
A: Yes, nothing prevents you from doing that.
Q: Can I choose a minion in stasis?
A: No, cards in stasis cannot be chosen by cards that do not explicitly state cards in stasis can be chosen.
Q: How does this interact with the Disco Dancers' mechanic and Funky Town's ability?
A: - If Diva copies it, Diva is considered as indirectly affected by the action and is destroyed, regardless of Diva's power. Note that you can only copy the destruction; merely choosing a minion doesn't count as affecting it so you can't copy that part.
- If Dancing King copies it onto a minion (it can be itself), that minion is considered as indirectly affected by the action and is destroyed, regardless of the minion's power. Note that you can only copy the destruction; merely choosing a minion doesn't count as affecting it so you can't copy that part.
- If We are Family copies it, the minion it is on is considered as indirectly affected by the action and is destroyed, regardless of the minion's power. Note that you can only copy the destruction; merely choosing a minion doesn't count as affecting it so you can't copy that part.
- With Funky Town, you can only copy it if you're the one who played the action and if you destroy one of your minions, but if Funky Town does copy it, the minion is considered as indirectly affected by the action and is destroyed, regardless of the minion's power. Note that you can only copy the destruction; merely choosing a minion doesn't count as affecting it so you can't copy that part.
Questions on Oh-hoh-hoh-hoah[]
Q: An opponent plays this card on a base, so from now on if one of my opponent (including them) plays a minion there, I can place a +1 power counter on one of my minions, right?
A: No. Your opponent played the action, so they control it, and therefore the action only addresses them and the ability must be interpreted from their point of view. So "another player" means "one of their opponents" (i.e. any player except your opponent), "(you) place" means "they place" and "one of your minions" means "one of their minions".
Rule: A play-on-base action doesn't give an ability to the base that any player can use.
Rule: "You" on a minion, action or titan means the controller of the card.
Q: It tells me to place a +1 power counter on "one of my minions". Can I place it on a minion I own that I don't control? I don't control it but I "own" it, so it's "my" minion, right?
A: No. "Your minions" are minions you control, whether or not you own them. A minion you own but don't control isn't yours.
Q: I suppose I can only place the +1 power counter on one of my minions on Oh-hoh-hoh-hoah's base, right?
A: No, there's no such restrictions so it can be one of your minions on any base.
Q: If Oh-hoh-hoh-hoah's ability is cancelled, are the +1 power counters placed by its ability removed?
A: No. When you place a +1 power counter, it's a definitive effect (like drawing cards, if you play Enchantress, you're not going to discard the card you drew if Enchantress's ability is cancelled), so the +1 power counters remain even if the card that placed them has its ability cancelled. Besides, how are you going to keep track of which +1 power counters were placed or transferred by Oh-hoh-hoh-hoah's ability and which ones were not (e.g. transferred by Cricket or Expert Timing, or placed by Ancient Chinese Art or A Little Bit Frightening)? That would be very cumbersome.
Rule: Cancelling (or losing) an effect does not necessarily undo what it did.
Q: If Oh-hoh-hoh-hoah is removed from play (e.g. destroyed, returned, etc.), are the +1 power counters placed by its ability removed?
A: No. When you place a +1 power counter, it's a definitive effect, so the +1 power counters remain even if the card that placed them is removed from play (like drawing cards, if you play Enchantress, you're not going to discard the card you drew if Enchantress is destroyed). Besides, how are you going to keep track of which +1 power counters were transferred by Oh-hoh-hoh-hoah's ability and which ones were not (e.g. transferred by Cricket or Expert Timing, or placed by Ancient Chinese Art or A Little Bit Frightening)? That would be very cumbersome.
Rule: Removing a card from play does not necessarily undo what it did.
Q: If I play an Argonaut instead of an action on Oh-hoh-hoh-hoah's base, does Oh-hoh-hoh-hoah's still activate?
A: Yes. Playing an Argonaut, whether as a minion or instead of an action, still counts as playing a minion. It IS a minion after all.
Q: How does this interact with the Disco Dancers' mechanic and Funky Town's ability?
A: It doesn't interact with them at all, because it says "Play on a base", which means that it is not a standard action.
Rule: Definition of "standard".
Questions on Sifu[]
- Main article: Titans
Q: The card says "Special" so I can use it outside of my turn, but why does the card also say "on your turn"? Aren't Special playable at any time?
A: "Special" does not mean the card can be played out of turn. "Special" simply means that it's an ability that can be used when its condition is met. Whether it can be used out of turn, activated straight from your hand/discard pile, or if it can only be used when it's already in play (essentially being a synonym of Ongoing), it entirely depends on the wording. In the case of Sifu, the condition is "on your turn", which already restricts its usage during your Play Cards phase, not at any other times. Note that it's restricted to your Play Cards phase only, not any other phases of your turn either.
Rule: "On your turn" means "during the Play Cards (phase 2) of each of your turns".
Q: Its Special ability applies to the +1 power counter on "my minions". Does it also apply to +1 power counters on minions I own that I don't control? I don't control them but I "own" them, so they are "my" minions, right?
A: No. "Your minions" are minions you control, whether or not you own them. A minion you own but don't control isn't yours.
Q: I have two or more +1 power counters on Summon Wolves, so I can summon Sifu thanks to them, right?
A: No. Summon Wolves is an action, not a minion, so you don't count the +1 power counters on it.
Rule: Specific words are not synonymous no matter how similar they seem.
Q: What happens to Sifu when the base that it's on scores?
A: It remains on that base until the step where you discard all the cards on the base. At which point it leaves play and is set aside. Any +1 power counter on it is removed.
Q: A base is chosen to score. I have no minions there, but I have Sifu there. It is similar to a minion, right? So I can still get VPs from the base if 0 is among the top three total power, right?
A: No and no. Sifu is a titan, not a minion. To be eligible to receive VPs, you must have at least one minion or at least 1 total power on the base. If you have no minions and your total power there is 0, then you can't receive any VPs from the base. Now, if Sifu had any +1 power counters on it or gave you any total power (e.g. on Kaiju Island), then you would have at least 1 total power and be eligible. Otherwise, no.
Q: An opponent is playing the Kung Fu Fighters with their titan. Their Sifu Legs isn't in play. It's my Play Cards phase and I have two or more +1 power counters on my minions, I can then invoke Sifu through its Special ability and play it there, right?
A: No, only the player who has it next to their deck can play it.
Rule: Playable Special cards can only be played by their current possessor.
Q: If Sifu's ability is cancelled, are the +1 power counters placed or transferred to any minions by its own ability removed?
A: No. When you place or transfer a +1 power counter, it's a definitive effect, so the +1 power counters remain even if the card that placed or transferred them has its ability cancelled (like drawing cards, if you play Enchantress, you're not going to discard the card you drew if Enchantress's ability is cancelled).
Rule: Cancelling (or losing) an effect does not necessarily undo what it did.
Q: Can you transfer a +1 power counter to a minion in stasis?
A: No, cards in stasis cannot be affected by cards that do not explicitly state they work on cards in stasis.
- The artist is Alberto Tavira, who also designed the art of many other factions.
- Their divider (updated in The Bigger Geekier Box) features Dragon Warrior.
- The font used for the Kung Fu Fighter cards is StickRice.
- All the actions' names are lyrics from the song "Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting".
- Dragon Warrior is based on Bruce Lee, most noticeably his character in a yellow tracksuit in the 70s movie Game of Death.
- Drunken Master is based on Beggar So from the Jackie Chan movie Drunken Master.
- The Monarch is present on Everybody Knew Their Part.
- Dragon Warrior is beating Ninjas around in his eponymous card, including the Ninja from Seeing Stars.
- A bunch of minions from other factions are fighting in Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting, including Space Knight, a Granny, King Rex, a Collector, Shift and Walking Carpet.
- Expert Timing is the first card that allows you to put +1 power counters on non-minion cards.
In other languages[]
Language | Name | Translation (if different) |
Chinese | 功夫戰士 | |
French | Maîtres Kung-Fu | Kung Fu Masters |
German | Kungfu-Kämpfer |